"Arrr! Eight brave fire-fighters be takin' a tumble, their trusty ship o' wheels rollin' like a drunken sea dog!"
Arrr, the brave fire-fightin’ scallywags be drawin' their swords after a grueling 12-hour duel with the fiery beast at the Airport! Aye, ’tis one of the mightiest infernos to grace California this year! Mayhap they be needin’ a tankard of grog to soothe their weary souls!
Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather round and lend me yer ears for a tale of bravery and flames that dance like a siren’s song! The gallant crew of firefighters be settin' their sails after a grueling 12 hours of tusslin' with the fierce beast known as the Airport fire, one of the largest infernos to plague the fair land of California this year. Aye, it be a blaze hotter than a cannonball shot from Davy Jones’ own ship!