The Booty Report

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Arrr, Apartment 7A be a ghostly tale, but it be borrowin’ too much from that ol' Rosemary's Baby, savvy?


Arrr, matey! Apartment 7A be a spooky yarn, a fine tale that stirs the bones like a ghostly gale! But beware, it be no fresh treasure, merely a retread of the old Rosemary's Baby booty. Aye, 'tis a fright, but lacks that shiny originality! Haaarrr!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale o' "Apartment 7A," a flick that be treadin' the haunted waters o' horror, harkin' back to the dark seas of "Rosemary's Baby." Aye, it be a prequel that aims to capture the eerie essence of its forebear, but alas, originality be adrift like a ship without a sail!

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