Avast, me hearties! Trump’s foes be settin’ sail to brand the G.O.P. as the crew o’ Misogyny! Arr!
Arrr, matey! The hullabaloo 'round gender be stormin' the campaign seas, what with a ruckus in North Carolina and the grim tales o' what befallin’ the scallywags from those cursed abortion bans. Aye, a right tangled mess it be, like a ship caught in a whirlpool!
Arrr matey! Gather ‘round, ye salty sea dogs, for a tale o' scandal and strife that rocked the shores of Carolina! A tempest o’ gender had the landlubbers all in a tizzy, as the crew set sail on a campaign filled with ruckus and rumblings! Aye, it be a week that’ll go down in the annals of history, or at least in the taverns of yore!