The Booty Report

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Avast! Biden be blarneyin’ ‘bout not chattin’ with Powell since takin’ the helm – me thinks he’s lost at sea!


Arrr, matey! Captain Biden be spoutin' that he ain't parleyed with his treasure keeper, Powell, since claimin' the throne. But shiver me timbers, that be a tall tale! They crossed swords in May 2022, aye! Now he blabbers 'bout inflation droppin' like a cannonball!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round fer a tale o’ the high seas o’ politics! It be said that Captain Biden, the President o’ the United States, did proclaim that he hadn’t parleyed with the mighty Fed Chief, Jerome Powell, since takin’ the helm. But lo and behold, that be a tall tale indeed!

Aye, this scallywag forgot that he did indeed meet with Powell back in May o’ the year 2022, well after he’d hoisted the anchor o’ the presidency. So, let it be known, the captain’s words be as fishy as a two-week-old catch!

In his most recent orations, the captain did crow about the Federal Reserve makin’ cuts to interest rates, claimin’ it be a sign that inflation be settlin’ down like a ship in calm waters. He spoke these words at the Economic Club o’ Washington, D.C., as reported by the good folks at ABC News.

So, me mateys, let this be a lesson: even the mightiest of captains can sometimes forget the tides o’ truth. Keep yer spyglasses polished, and watch fer the next swell in the ocean of political blarney!

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