The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Voting from afar be settin' sail in Delaware, Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont! Avast!


Arrr matey! On the morrow, the fine lands of Delaware, Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont be bestowin’ absentee ballots to some scallywags or all! Aye, even landlubbers can cast their votes without settin' sail! Hoist the sails of democracy, ye hearties!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ye round, for the grand adventure of voting be upon us! As the sun rises on Saturday, seven fine states be settin' sail on absentee votin', includin’ Delaware, Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont. Aye, the winds of democracy be blowin' strong in over a dozen states such as Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Virginia!

In Delaware, all ye landlubbers can request absentee ballots that must reach the Elections Office by 8 p.m. on Election Day! But hark, ye must register by the 4th Saturday before the grand showdown. Indiana be followin' suit, where ye must apply for absentee ballots a fortnight prior, and all ye seniors be favored with vote-by-mail aplenty!

Oklahoma, too, be offerin' early voting from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, no excuses needed! Rhode Island, ye scallywags, can mail-in ballots by 8 p.m. on Election Day after requestin' them online. Tennessee and Vermont also be joinin' the fray with their own rules—so pay heed, or ye might end up walkin' the plank of disenfranchisement!

So grab yer quills, mates, and set forth to register! For the seas of voting be treacherous, but victory belongs to those who dare to cast their fortunes in the ballot box! Yarrr!

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