The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A swashbucklin' Montana might just steer the U.S. Senate ship o' power, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! The Republicans be settin' sail to plunder the U.S. Senate, aim’n to toss ol' Jon Tester overboard, the last Democrat to be holdin' the fort in a land that once overflowed with 'em. A fine treasure hunt, it be!

Arrr, gather ye round, mateys! The landlubbers known as Republicans be settin' their sights on the grand U.S. Senate, tryin' to toss ol' Jon Tester overboard! Aye, Tester be the last remaining Democrat holdin' a statewide office in a place that not long ago were teemin' with ’em like barnacles on a ship's hull.

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