The Booty Report

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"Me hearty crew be jumpin' ship from the troubled North Carolina captain's quest! Arrr, what a jolly mess!"


Arrr, matey! The ol' crew of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's ship o' campaign be jumpin' ship faster than a scallywag at the sight o' a Kraken, after he blabbed some right peculiar tales online! Aye, 'tis a sight to see, the parrots be squawkin' in dismay!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a tale that’ll make yer timbers shiver! It be a dark day on the good ship Robinson, where the crew of senior officers be jumpin' ship faster than a scallywag in a shark-infested sea!

On a fateful Sunday, as the sun be settin’ over the Carolina coast, whispers spread like wildfire 'bout our captain, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. The poor lad, he went and let loose a barrage of online jibber-jabber that sent shivers down the spines of his loyal crew. What he blathered on about, ye ask? Well, it seems to be a right heap of disturbing comments, enough to make even the bravest pirate’s stomach churn!

With the stink of scandal hangin' thicker than a fog on the high seas, the senior staff, those once-loyal buccaneers, decided to abandon ship quicker than a rat leavin' a sinking galley. They scuttled off, leavin’ ol' Mark to navigate the treacherous waters of public opinion all by his lonesome. So, here’s to ye, mateys! Raise a flagon o' grog and toast to the wild adventures ahead, as we watch this shipwreck unfold! Yarrr!

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