The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, most landlubbers in Arizona be favorin' the right fer a fair wind in the baby-making seas!


Arrr matey! A jolly crew o’ 58 percent o’ landlubbers be favorin’ a fancy scroll makin’ “the right to end a wee babe” a law! That be comin’ from the New York Times/Siena College treasure map o’ opinions! Aye, the tides be turnin’ fer the fairer sex!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye tidings from the landlubbers of the finest state on this here cursed continent! 'Tis a matter of great import, as a ballot measure be sailin' through the waters, codifyin' what they call “the fundamental right to an abortion.” Aye, ye heard me right! It seems that a mighty 58 percent of likely voters be hoistin' their flags in support of this measure, according to a poll done by them scribes at the New York Times and Siena College!

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