Arrr! 50 Cent be spillin' the beans on why mateys fancy Trump after a close shave with Davy Jones!
Arrr, matey! That scallywag 50 Cent be ponderin' if he’ll hoist his flag in the 2024 election seas whilst jabberin' ‘bout his new tome, "The Accomplice," on that CBS News vessel. Aye, sounds like a right pirate’s tale to me!
During a parley about his latest tome, "The Accomplice," the rapscallion admitted that when Trump got shot, his tune "Many Men" set sail to the top o' the charts. "Aye, they be wishin' death upon me too," he chuckled, likin' himself to the former captain of the White House after the iconic fist-raise moment.
But beware, mateys! This be a treacherous sea. One moment he be tellin' folks to vote for Trump 'cause of high taxes, and the next, he be callin’ him a scoundrel again! "F--k Donald Trump," he declared, givin’ us all a hearty laugh. So, in the end, this pirate be just sailin’ the winds of fortune, hopin’ his ship stays afloat amidst the chaos of politics and rap! Yarrr!