The Booty Report

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Arrr! We be diggin' up treasures from 9 million moons past while buildin' a school for landlubber lads!


Avast ye! While diggin’ at a school in Los Angeles, a bounty of ancient beasties be found—millions of fishy critters and sea turtles, no less! It be makin' the crew ponder if the school were built atop Davy Jones’ own fishy treasure! Arrr!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a grand tale of a high school in San Pedro, Los Angeles, where scallywags once roamed the halls, 'til fate led 'em to a treasure most peculiar—ancient fossils! Aye, what started as a mere sprucin' up of the school turned into a grand adventure in the year of our Lord, 2023, when a bounty of bones from the Late Miocene—8.7 million years past, mind ye—were unearthed from the very courtyard that had been standin' tall since 1936!

Dr. Wayne Bischoff, a sage in the art of fossils, led the charge, uncoverin' everything from megalodon shark teeth, the fiercest of ocean beasts, to the remains of long-gone critters like sabretooth salmon and even dolphin droppings! Aye, 'tis true, they found more fish bones in that poop than ye could shake a cutlass at!

But lo and behold, it ain't just the learned folk havin' a jolly good time; the students be joinin' the fray! Though kept away from the hammerin' and clankin' of construction, they be lendin' a hand in the lab, sortin' treasures to display for all to see. Soon, they’ll craft murals and exhibits, makin' their mark on this most unexpected bounty! So raise yer tankards, me mateys, to fossils and education! Yarr!

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