The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Trump’s treasure map of low doubloons and high tolls be headin' for a stormy sea of troubles!


Arrr, the ol' captain in charge tried to keep the scallywags' ships docked in the good ol' U.S. of A., but his treasure map led to naught but a handful o' ships stayin' put while he ruled the roost! Har har, what a jolly mess!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, for I be tellin’ ye the tale of a former captain o' the land, a president he was, tryin’ to keep his crew o' companies sailin’ within the shores o' the good ol’ U.S. o’ A! Yarr, he gave it a good ol’ college try, he did! With the force o' a cannonball, he ordered the scallywags to drop anchor and not be settin’ sail for foreign waters.

But alas, the winds o’ commerce be fickle, and the treasures o’ far-off lands be mighty temptin’! His efforts, while boisterous as a sea shanty sung by a drunken sailor, met with but a smidge o’ success. Some ships stayed, but many a fine vessel hoisted their sails and sailed off to seek riches in distant ports, leavin’ the good captain scratchin’ his beard in frustration.

So, there ye have it, mateys! A tale of ambition that, like a leaky ship, couldn’t quite keep its cargo from spillin’ overboard. The former captain be learnin’ that sometimes, no matter how loud ye bellow, the tides o’ business be beyond yer control. Now, raise a mug of grog to him, for he be tryin’ hard, even if the sea be unforgiving!

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