The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Both landlubber Democrats and Republicans be givin’ China a right tongue-lashing 'bout their treatment of the poor Muslims!


Arrr, both scallywags be aim’n their cannons at the poor Uyghur crew in China, but they be employin' different jigs to sway Old Biden to hoist the sails of action! Blimey, it’s a right ruckus of tactics, like two parrots squawkin' over a treasure map!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout two squabblin' factions, both settin' their sights on the plight o' the Uyghur folk o' China, but with methods as different as a parrot and a sea serpent!

First up, we got the landlubbers on one side, marchin' and shoutin' like it be a fine day for a rum-fueled tavern brawl. They be pushin' the Biden crew with mighty loud voices, demandin' that the sails of justice be hoisted high, settin' the course toward freedom for the oppressed. Aye, they be thinkin' that public outcries will make the White House shiver in its boots!

Then, on the other side, ye have the sly foxes, schemin' and plotin' behind closed doors like a captain hatchin' a secret treasure plan! They be usin' all manner of backroom deals and political maneuverin', whisperin' sweet nothings in the ears of the bureaucrats, hopin' to sway 'em like a gentle sea breeze. Aye, they be thinkin' that subtlety be the key to unlockin' the chains o' oppression.

So there ye have it, ye salty sea dogs! Two crews, both seekin' to free the Uyghurs, but one be shoutin' from the crow's nest while the other be schemin' below deck! May they find a way to sail together, lest the winds of injustice carry 'em astray!

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