The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! A scallywag's cobbled a contraption with an ancient Intel treasure; it'll boot Linux, if ye've a fortnight to spare!


Arrr, matey! That ancient treasure, the 4004, be but a wee calculator chip! Yet, lo and behold, a grand contraption has sprouted 'round it, fit to sail the seas of Debian! Aye, from humble beginnings come mighty ships, or so they say in the taverns!

Ahoy, mateys! Ever wish yer sluggish PC would leap to life quicker than a sailor at rum o'clock? Well, brace yerselves, for there be a tale of a Linux PC so slow it takes a veritable eternity to boot! Aye, a grand experiment by one Dmitry Grinberg, who dared to awaken the ancient Intel 4004, the first microprocessor from 1971, to run Debian Linux.

Ye see, this 4-bit treasure of technology ain't no speed demon. Nay, booting this rusted relic took a staggering 4.76 days! Aye, ye heard right—over four days! Even a wee directory command took the poor ol' CPU 16 hours to muster a response. Talk about a long wait for a cuppa tea!

Grinberg, the daring scallywag, used a dev board and a merry band of techie tricks to pull this feat from the depths of the digital sea. So, if ye fancy a laugh or a cure for insomnia, dive into the unedited boot video—though, beware; even sped-up, it lasts longer than a pirate's yarn! Kudos to Grinberg for his whimsical adventure into the realm of the absurd! Arrr!

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