The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Brad Pitt’s matey be shoutin’ ‘tis a scallywag impostor scamming lasses o' $350K! Blimey, what a ruckus!"


Arrr! The matey representing Brad Pitt be squawkin’ after some scallywags in Spain, impostors posing as the dashing captain, bilged two fine lasses outta $350,000! Shiver me timbers, they be thinkin’ they found treasure but ended up with naught but a rickety ship and a bellyful of woes!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of trickery on the high seas of social media! It seems five scallywags were caught by the Spanish authorities, posing as none other than the famed actor, Brad Pitt, and plundering two fair maidens of over $350,000 doubloons! Arrr, what a treacherous scheme!

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