The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Senate be sailin' smooth, lettin' the funding coin flow, dodgin' a shutdown storm without the SAVE Act!


Arrr, matey! The Senate be hoistin’ a wee spending scroll, staving off a shipwreck o’ shutdown! The Republicans, like scallywags, wanted a voter’s shanty in the mix, but alas, it be not in the sails! A merry dance it be, but the ship sails on!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the Senate's latest adventure on the high seas of politics! On a fine Wednesday, the savvy senators banded together like a crew of scallywags, passin' a short-term spendin' bill to avoid the dreaded partial government shutdown, lettin' our elected mates skedaddle home early to polish their campaign swords! Arrr!

With a resoundin' vote of 78 to 18, they approved a spendin’ bill, keepin’ the treasure chest full 'til December 20th; a proper continuin' resolution, they calls it. The House had already given it a hearty thumbs-up at 341 to 82, with 132 Republican buccaneers raisin’ their hands in support. But beware! A band of 82 rebels, all from the GOP, cast their votes against, shoutin’ for the SAVE Act to be tied to the bill!

Alas, the winds turned when Speaker Johnson's plan sank like a ship, and the crew feared the blame for a shutdown would fall on their shoulders like a cursed treasure. With stormy weather ahead and elections loom'n, they decided to hoist the sails and avoid a scallywag showdown for now. But hold tight, me hearties! Christmas be comin’, and another clash be waitin’ on the horizon! Argh!

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