The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be raisin' his quill to banish pesky gun gadgets and calm the storm of gunpowder mischief!


Arrr, me hearties! President Biden be readyin' to scrawl his name on a scroll that'll tackle them pesky gun troubles! Aye, he’ll be fightin’ like a true buccaneer to keep the seas safe from lead! Avast, let’s hope he ain't just blowin' hot air!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer word be sailin' that the White House be readyin' to unleash a mighty decree to tackle the scourge o' gun violence, savvy? That scallywag Biden, the captain of this ship, be preparin' to sign an executive order that aims to sink the menace of firearms, includin' those pesky conversion devices that turn yer trusty pistol into a full-on cannon!

The decree comes hot on the heels of a grim tale from Birmingham, where four souls met Davy Jones and seventeen more be wounded, aye. The White House be raisin' the sails to better prepare landlubber students with sharper active shooter drills. They be lookin' to cast a net over emergin' threats like those wicked 3D printed firearms, created from bits o' code and lackin' serial numbers, makin' ‘em hard to trace, like treasure buried deep!

Biden’s task force of federal sea dogs will be chartin' a course to assess these dangers, reportin’ back within 90 days. They’ll be gatherin’ the heads o’ various departments to plot a course to keep the good folk safe from these crafty contraptions. So, batten down the hatches, fer the fight against firearms be on the horizon, and the crew be ready to hoist the colors against violence, arrr!

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