Avast! The Safety Crew be shoutin’ of a wobbly rudder in some cursed Boeing ships! Arrr, hold fast!
Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at the National Transportation Safety Board be sayin’ they stumbled upon a faulty bit in the contraption that keeps the flying ship on course, after snoopin’ ‘round a kerfuffle at Newark port! Aye, even the skies be havin' their share o' mischief!
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale to spin 'bout a curious incident at Newark’s bustling port o’ the skies! The brave souls at the National Transportation Safety Board, akin to fine shipmates of the high seas, set sail on a quest to uncover the truth behind a ruckus in the air. They dug deep, rummagin' through the belly of the beast, and what did they find? A rogue part, a scallywag piece o’ malfunctionin’ machinery, playin’ tricks on the steerin’ of a mighty aircraft!