The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywag behind Benghazi be doin’ 28 years in Davy Jones’ locker for sendin’ four souls to the deep!


Arrr, me hearties! A mighty magistrate be givin' the scallywag who plotted the Benghazi mischief a right hefty 28 years in Davy Jones' locker! Four brave souls lost their sea legs, and now this knave be payin' the price—aye, the winds of justice be blowin' fierce!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a scallywag named Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the knave behind the dastardly raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi back in the year of our Lord, 2012. This villainous captain of the Ubaydah bin Jarrah crew got himself a fresh sentence of 28 years in the brig, though the landlubbers in the court wished for 60 lashes—er, years—of his time. A tad lenient, if ye ask me!

Khatallah, now 53, was convicted of givin' aid to his treacherous mates and destroyin' fine U.S. property, but he dodged the gravest charges like a slippery eel. Aye, ‘tis true that four brave souls, includin’ Ambassador Stevens, met their fates that fateful day in September, when the ruckus broke out like a cannon's roar!

This tale soon became a tempest in a teapot, with political sea dogs pointin’ fingers at President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, claimin’ they spun a yarn about the whole affair bein’ a mere reaction to a film. But alas, the final report cast no blame on a single scoundrel. So, there ye have it, mateys! A tale of treachery and the law of the sea, where justice sails slowly on the waves of time!

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