The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Swillin' grog be a fast track to six cancers, say the landlubbers: ‘Tis poison, ye scallywags!


Arrr! It be said that over 5% of scallywag cancer cases be brought on by swillin’ grog, as per a fresh scroll from the American Association o' Cancer Research. An expert in the bottle’s curse be yappin’ ‘bout the dangers, savvy? So, mind yer tankard, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, matey! Swillin' grog be a fast track to six cancers, say the landlubbers: ‘Tis poison, ye scallywags!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring tidings from the realm of health and drink! It seems the wenches of science have found that hoistin' too much grog be as perilous as sailin' into a storm! A recent scroll from the American Association for Cancer Research be shoutin’ that over 5% of all cancers be linked to our beloved booze!

Arrr, it be the third largest culprit o’ cancer risk, right behind the scallywags of obesity and tobacco. Excessive swillin' can lead ye to six different types o’ cancer, includin' those nasty throat and liver ailments! And if ye be thinkin' a wee bit o’ rum be harmless, think again! Even a sip can raise yer cancer risk, especially if ye start yer drinkin' at a young age!

All told, if ye cut back on yer alcohol intake, ye might stave off cancer by a fair bit. But alas, most landlubbers still be clueless about the dangers of drinkin', even as 29 million sailin' souls be grapplin' with alcohol use disorder. So let this be a lesson, me mateys: moderation be the key, or ye might find yerself walkin’ the plank into the depths of Davy Jones' locker! Drink wisely, or face the wrath of the sea! Yarrr!

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