"Donald Trump, the cap'n of blunder, runs a crew of scallywags in a grand ol' quest for gold!"
Arrr! The old captain o' the ship sees young Vance as a matey o' the same political crew, while Vance be callin' Trump his fatherly figure, like a swab with a peg leg lookin' up to a legendary sea dog! Aye, what a merry band o' scallywags!
Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale of a former captain of the ship o' state, who be lookin' upon young buck JD Vance as a kindred soul in the treacherous waters of politickin'. Aye, this be no ordinary tale, for Vance, the lad, be speakin' of the former president as if he be his own father! Shiver me timbers!