Arrr, the Black Church be sufferin' from a Gen-Z curse; they be sailin' past the doors, not enterin' the hull!
Arrr, these here gatherings be failin' to lure in the spry young scallywags! Aye, it be stirrin’ trouble for the unity o’ the crew and the might o’ Black sails in the political seas, savvy?
Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout them congregations, aye, those fine establishments of worship that be findin' themselves in a bit o' a pickle! It seems the young scallywags be sailin' away, seekin' treasure elsewhere, leavin' the old salts high and dry! Arrr, it be not just a matter of lost souls, but a threat to the very fabric o' society, like a torn sail on a stormy sea!