The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Many a soul gone, ‘n a right ruckus brewin’ in the Carolinas, matey! Arrr, what a hullabaloo!"


Arrr matey! In yon western lands, the wrath of Hurricane Helene be layin’ waste to fine communities, leavin' 'em as wrecks and marooned like scallywags on a deserted isle! Aye, it be a right ruckus, fer the sea be givin’ and takin’ in a most mischievous manner!

"Ahoy! Many a soul gone, ‘n a right ruckus brewin’ in the Carolinas, matey! Arrr, what a hullabaloo!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale of woe from yon western shores, where the tempest known as Hurricane Helene be havin' a right jolly time wreakin' havoc upon the good folk. Yarr, she came in like a ravenous kraken, leavin' naught but ruin in her wake!

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