The Booty Report

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Arrr, Doug Emhoff be twistin’ the sails of manly notions, sayeth the winds o’ MSNBC! Har har har!


Arrr! Jen Psaki be spoutin’ tales that Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff be settin’ sail on a new course for manhood, all by cheerin’ on his fair lass, Vice President Kamala Harris, durin’ the election. Aye, that be a jolly sight for sore sea-dog eyes!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears as I regale ye with the tales of one Doug Emhoff, a jaunty lad who be turnin’ the tides of masculinity! Aye, in a recent yonder broadcast, that clever wench Jen Psaki be sayin' how Emhoff, the Second Gentleman, be reshaping the very notion of what it means to be a man. With the fine Vice President Kamala Harris at his side, he be supportin’ her like a true first mate, not the brutish sea dogs of yore!

Doug be sayin’ it be a fine thing to lift up the lasses, championin’ pay equity and rights for women like a noble buccaneer! He be jestin’ about bein’ a “wife guy,” hintin’ that if he ever annoys Kamala, he’ll show her the tales of his gallant support to win her favor! The scallywags in the media be likin’ to call him a “progressive sex symbol,” makin’ the hearts of lasses flutter like a flag in a brisk wind.

So, as the winds of politics shift, Doug and his mateys be a new breed o’ man—one who can embrace his softer side without fear of the scorn of old-fashioned gents. Arrr, it be a jolly good time to be a supportive swab in this 2024 sea of change!

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