The Booty Report

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"In Biden's twilight, snap'n selfies on the flying ship, with hearty shouts of 'Thank ye, Joe!' echoing 'round!"


Arrr, since the captain Biden hoisted his sails and vanished from the race, them Democratic scallywags be throwin’ him a treasure chest o’ thanks! Aye, they be grateful, but methinks it be ‘cause he scuttled his ship before it sank! Har har!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the most curious turn o' events in the land o’ politics! In the days since Captain Biden, the chief o’ the Democrats, decided to abandon ship on his quest for the big ol' White House, a ruckus be brewin’ among the crew of voters! Aye, they’ve been showerin’ him with words of gratitude, as if he be some kind o’ swashbucklin’ hero!

But hark! Ye see, these landlubbers ain't just thankin' him for the sake of it. Nay, they be raisin' their tankards in appreciation for the very act of him givin' up! It seems that the good folk o' the Democratic seas be thinkin' that ol’ Biden’s exit be a mighty fine decision, a spark o' hope in a world full o’ political storms. 'Tis like a captain who sees the tempest brewin' and says, “Nay, I shan't sail into that!”

So here we be, the voters grateful for a ship that won't be sinkin’ under the weight o’ its own barnacles. Aye, as they tip their hats and raise their glasses, they toast to Biden, not just for what he did, but for what he didn’t do. A twist o’ fate, indeed! Arrr, now let’s find ourselves a grog and celebrate this jolly good turn of events!

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