The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Jason Sudeikis be beggin’ ye, 'Cease yer followin’! Ye be frightenin’ the barnacles off me!"


Arrr, matey! Jason Sudeikis be standin’ firm like a sturdy ship, refusin’ to scrawl his name for the landlubbers outside the comedy tavern on Sunday night! He felt like a treasure chest bein’ raided—too many scallywags seekin’ his mark, aye! Aye, let the jests fly without his John Hancock!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the famed jester o’ the screen, Jason Sudeikis, who found himself in a right pickle after leavin’ the Dynasty Typewriter Comedy Club in Los Angeles on a fine Sunday eve!

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