The Booty Report

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Arrr! Captain Biden sails to the storm-tossed shores of Appalachia, lookin' to mend what Hurricane Helene hath thrashed!


Arrr, President Biden be settin’ sail to the wrecked shores come Wednesday! Aye, the wretched winds of the hurricane have claimed 121 souls 'cross six lands – a right terrible tempest, it be! Let’s hope he brings his sea legs and some rum to ease the sorrow!

Avast ye landlubbers! It be said that Captain Biden, the leader of the good ship America, be settin' sail to the tempest-tossed shores this Wednesday. Aye, ‘tis a sight not fit for the faint of heart, as the ravagin' hurricane hath claimed the lives of at least 121 souls across six poor states. Blimey, that storm be more ruthless than a scallywag at a tavern brawl!

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