The Booty Report

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Arrr! Sheehy be claimin’ he sailed the Afghan seas while Tester dined on fancy lobbyist grub, savvy?


Arrr! Tim Sheehy, a scallywag seekin’ the Senate treasure, be callin' out ol' Sen. Jon Tester, claimin’ he’s chummy with them shady lobbyists! In the debate, it be a right ruckus, like a ship in a storm, as they be jabberin’ ‘bout who’s the bigger sea dog!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale of political squabblin' on the high seas of Montana! Aye, Tim Sheehy, a fierce Republican candidate, be takin' aim at the incumbent Democrat, Sen. Jon Tester, during a raucous debate. Sheehy be claimin’ that ol' Tester be more chummy with lobbyists than a landlubber with a bottle o’ rum!

While our naval hero be battlin' in distant lands, Tester be feastin' on lobbyist steaks in the shady backrooms of D.C. “He knows all about backroom meetings!” roared Sheehy, as the crowd erupted in laughter. With polls showin' Sheehy leadin' as Election Day approaches, the stakes be higher than a crow's nest!

Tester be the last Democrat standin' tall in the Republican-infested waters of Montana, where even Trump's shadow looms large. The good senator tried to distance himself from the likes of President Biden and Vice President Harris, seekin' to stay afloat amidst the stormy seas of public discontent.

As the debate raged on, the scallywags tackled touchy subjects like abortion and Sheehy's past insensitive comments about Native Americans, with Tester demandin' an apology. “Will ye apologize for openin' the border?” Sheehy shot back, quick as a flash! Aye, the political seas of Montana be stormy indeed! Arrr!

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