"Arrr, in yon Trump scroll, he be takin' the wind outta Harris's sails 'bout them fancy electric sea chariots!"
Avast ye landlubbers of Michigan! A scallywag ad be shoutin’ that the vice president be plottin’ to send all gas-powered vessels to Davy Jones’ locker! Fear not, mates, lest ye end up walkin’ the plank o’ unemployment! Har har, what a merry jest!
Ahoy me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be havin' a tale from the land o' Michigan, a place where landlubbers be all a-twitter over some wild tales! Aye, it seems a ruckus be brewin' ‘round a certain Vice President, who be accused o' wantin' to send all gas-powered chariots to Davy Jones' locker! Arrr, what madness be this?