The Booty Report

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"Avast! Brave matey Indiana, a gallant officer, plucked a wee lad from Davy Jones' watery grasp!"


Arrr, matey! A daring tale from the land o’ Indiana, where a brave copper dove into a neighbor’s watery trap, pluckin’ a wee scallywag aged three, lost in the depths o' autism. By Davy Jones, that lad be lucky to swim with the fishes instead of joinin’ ‘em!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of bravery and quick wit from the fine shores of Indiana. One fine day, when the sun shone bright an’ the smell of brunch wafted through the air, a wee lad named Aziel, only three summers old and a bit of a rascal, went missin’! His poor parents, distracted by feasting an’ merry-making, found themselves in a right pickle when they realized their little scallywag had slipped out the door, left open by a forgetful matey!

In a swift turn of fate, the gallant Fort Wayne Police Officer Evan Myers dashed to the rescue when the alarm was raised. The brave officer ran to the neighbor’s pool like a true hero, an’ lo and behold, there floated young Aziel, hands an’ feet above the murky depths, like a cork in a bottle! With a shout of triumph, "I found him!" Myers plucked the lad from watery doom, givin' him breath anew. The parents, filled with gratitude, be thankin' this noble officer for savin' their treasure from the depths.

Now they be puttin' up a sturdy fence to keep their little pirate safe from further escapades! So raise a tankard to Officer Myers, the hero of our tale, for he be a true matey of the heart! Yarrr!

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