The Booty Report

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Arrr, Buttigieg be warnin’ against pesky drones near Hurricane Helene's wrath, stirrin' up a hullabaloo and needin’ a bit o' explainin'!


Arrr, matey! That scallywag Buttigieg be sayin’ them pesky flying contraptions be muckin’ up the rescue efforts ‘round Hurricane Helene’s watery wrath! Blimey! If ye ain’t helpin’, ye best be steerin’ clear, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker! Sail on, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the U.S. Department o' Transportation settin' the record straight fer drone pilots amidst the ruckus o' Hurricane Helene! At first, they warned ye to steer clear o' rescue missions, lest ye find yerselves in the brig or payin' hefty fines, ye scallywags! But alas, after a tempest o' outrage on the inter-webs, the DOT clarified — ye can indeed fly yer contraptions to help find lost souls, savvy?

Even the mighty Secretary Pete Buttigieg took to the digital seas, explainin' that previous restrictions were lifted faster than a rum bottle on a party ship! The FAA claims they be not hinderin' yer noble pursuits, but rather, allowin' ye to lend aid to those in peril with the right permissions, aye. They emphasized that local authorities may call for temporary flight restrictions to keep the skies safe for rescue craft.

Yet, many a landlubber took umbrage with the original warning, arguin' it thwarted the valiant efforts of volunteers seekin' to document the devastation and rescue the lost. Critics be shoutin' louder than a cannon blast, demandin' action while the death toll from the hurricane climbed higher than a crow's nest! So, savvy up, drone pilots! If ye wish to join the rescue, make sure to coordinate with the land-based heroes and avoid clashin' with the sky's guardians!

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