The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Daring! The Fair! And the Plump Paws o’ the Bear, ready for a jolly good feast, aye!


Arrr, matey! After ten long years, the Fat Bear Week be lurin' scads of landlubbers to peep at a live spyglass in Alaska! They be choosin' the mightiest, chubbiest brown bear at Katmai National Park. Aye, it be a fine spectacle of portly pirates in fur!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a jolly tale of a peculiar event known as Fat Bear Week, which be celebratin' the roly-poly, jiggly bears of Katmai National Park in the wilds of Alaska! Aye, fer a full decade now, this grand spectacle hath drawn millions o' landlubbers and sea scallywags to a live webcam, where they be feastin' their eyes upon the mightiest and roundest brown bear in all the land!

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