The Booty Report

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"Avast, matey! Let’s hoist the sails and debunk Captain Trump's tall tales ‘bout FEMA’s feeble aid to Hurricane Helene!"


Arrr, the ol' captain of the ship o' politics be spoutin' tall tales, claimin' the Biden crew be tossin' disaster doubloons at wayward scallywags instead of helpin' the good folk who back the Jolly Roger! Even a Republican captain be hollerin' for aid, but they be turnin' a blind eye!

Arrr, gather ‘round me hearties, for I’ve a tale fit for the high seas and the jests of the jolly crew! It be said that the former captain of the ship o’ state, in a fit o' blusterin’ bravado, pointed his bony finger at the Biden crew, claimin’ they be tossin’ treasure meant for disaster into the hands of scallywags and wayward souls! Aye, he cried that they be ignorin’ the poor, storm-battered lands that once raised the Jolly Roger for the Republicans, like a fish outta water!

But lo and behold, the wind be blowin’ a different way! This here captain’s words be like a ship without a rudder, all adrift and full o’ holes! He claimed the Biden crew turned a blind eye to the call of a Republican governor, as if he were a landlubber shoutin’ from the crow’s nest while the tide be risin’! The folly of it all be enough to make a parrot squawk!

So let’s hoist the sails and chart a course through this tempest of tales, for the seas o’ politics be rife with pirates of all stripes, and each be lookin’ to fill their treasure chests with gold while the rest be left to fend for themselves! Har har har!

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