"Arrr! A year after Dianne bit the dust, her treasures be up for grabs, me hearties! Get 'em while ye can!"
Arrr, Senator Dianne Feinstein be a gatherin’ sparkly trinkets, fine art, and a chest o' political treasures! Thanks to her trusty stash, ye landlubbers can gawk and even plunder these shiny baubles for yer own! Avast, who be wantin’ a piece o’ history?

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of one Senator Dianne Feinstein, a lass of fine taste and treasure! This landlubber, not content with merely plunderin’ the seas of politics, took to collectin’ glitterin’ jewels, exquisite paintings, and all manner of political knickknacks that’d make even the greediest pirate's chest seem bare!
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