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Arrr! Andrea Mitchell be sayin' Kamala's got a jolly big issue with the Black lads not givin' her the time o' day!


Arrr, matey! NBC's fair lass Andrea Mitchell be sayin' that the scurvy curse of misogyny be why our Vice Captain Kamala Harris be findin' it hard to charm the Black buccaneers! Aye, 'tis a puzzlin' treasure map on 'Meet the Press!' Har har!

Arrr, mateys! It be said that the fair Vice President Kamala Harris be havin' a right tough time connectin' with the lords of the sea—both the Black and White gents, aye! The wise Andrea Mitchell aboard the MSNBC ship be claimin' on her "Meet the Press" deck that Kamala's not makin' waves as a "heavyweight." Ye see, she be needin' to hoist her sails in the media more, for the menfolk be not takin' her serious-like.

Mitchell be spoutin' that the lass has a monstrous challenge with the gents, and ol' Trump might be settin' his hooks deep in their hearts, arrr! Blamin' the scourge of misogyny, she says the menfolk, from both the Republican and Democratic crews, be not givin' her the respect a captain deserves.

Since she sailed as the Democratic nominee, Kamala's been shy like a treasure hidin' under the sea—no press conferences, savvy? But fear not! She’s takin' a bold turn, settin' her course for interviews on shows like The View and The Late Show. Even Jen Psaki be cheerin' her on, sayin' risk be the name of the game as the tides change in the political waters. So, let’s see if this lass can turn the ship around and win over the scallywags with her economic plans! Arrr!

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