Arrr, matey! Trump be schemin’ to hoist the U.S. debt high, makin’ most scallywags pay more doubloons!
Arrr, savvy mateys! A clever bit of reckonin’ be spillin’ the beans—if that scallywag of a former captain keeps flappin’ his gums, our treasure chests might be plundered by a whopping $15 trillion in just ten tides! Blimey, we be in for a wild ride!
Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale o' treasure chests and empty pockets! A new scroll from the wise folk o' analysis be claimin' that the grand schemes of a certain former captain o' the ship called ‘Presidency’ might sink us deep into the briny blue with a deficit as vast as $15 trillion over a decade! Aye, that be a mighty sum, enough to make even the most hardened sea dog quiver in his boots!