The Booty Report

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Arrr, GOP matey Curtis Bashaw be nearly swoonin’ like a scallywag in a debate! What a sight fer sore eyes!


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that Curtis Bashaw, the Republican buccaneer from New Jersey, turned to a statue on Sunday, all stiff-like, in his grand debate against the Democrat sea dog, Rep. Andy Kim. Perhaps he be searchin' fer buried treasure in the depths of his noggin!

Arrr, GOP matey Curtis Bashaw be nearly swoonin’ like a scallywag in a debate! What a sight fer sore eyes!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale from the high seas of New Jersey politics! We be witnessin’ a ruckus between two landlubbers, Republican Curtis Bashaw and Democrat Andy Kim, as they tussled fer the Senate seat left vacant by the scallywag Bob Menendez, who be walkin' the plank after a kerfuffle with the law!

Now, during their spirited debate, ol’ Curtis be tryin' to speak on the matter o' affordability when, lo and behold, he froze like a fish outta water, starin' into the abyss like a sailor lost at sea! Quick on the draw, crafty Kim dashed over, checkin' on the flounderin' Bashaw, who claimed he was as right as rain. Aye, the moderator sensed the storm brewin’ and called fer a commercial break, givin’ Bashaw time to gather his wits—or maybe just a snack!

When he returned, our famished pirate confessed, “I got so worked up I forgot to eat me grub!” His crew cheered as he promised pizza with his mates post-debate. After snackin' on a protein bar and a swig of Coke, Bashaw was back in the fray, claimin’ he still managed to eat Kim’s lunch! Arrr, the adventures of politics be a feast for the ages!

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