The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Mideast ruckus be sinkin’ Harris in Michigan, for them Arab voters be givin’ her the cold shoulder!


Arrr, a year since the treacherous Oct. 7 raids, Kamala be sailin’ into stormy seas with her crew o’ Democrats splinterin’ in a key port! Word be blowin’ that the support from the Muslim and Arab crew be droppin’ faster than a lead anchor!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I be bringin’ ye news from the high seas o’ politics! A year after the dastardly Oct. 7 attacks, the fair Vice President Kamala Harris be findin’ herself in turbulent waters, aye! The good ship Democratic Party be takin’ on water in the crucial state of California, where the winds of discontent be blowin’ fierce!

Interviews from the deck suggest that her once-loyal crew of Muslim and Arab Americans be abandonin' ship faster than a scallywag runnin’ from a kraken! Aye, the support be dryin' up like a rum barrel left out in the scorching sun! What be causin’ this mutiny, ye ask? It be the shifting tides of public sentiment, me hearties. The good folks be feelin’ betrayed, as if they be sold a bill o’ goods by a shifty merchant!

So there ye have it, mateys! The lady VP be in a pickle, tryin’ to keep her ship afloat while the crew be lookin’ for a new captain! Will she rally the troops or be lost to the stormy seas of political strife? Only time will tell, but one thing be for sure—this ain’t the last we be hearin’ from the salty tale o’ Kamala and her Democratic crew!

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