The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Hurricane Milton be brewin’, so stock yer grub and grog fer a stormy night, me hearties!


Avast ye landlubbers! As Hurricane Milton be brewin', gather ye five grub and grog treasures for yer humble abodes! And heed the wise words of FEMA and the Red Cross, lest ye be caught swabbin' the deck with an empty belly! Arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! With the tempest known as Hurricane Milton settin' sail fer the shores of Florida, all ye landlubbers be advised to batten down the hatches and prepare fer the stormy seas ahead!

By Thunder! Milton be comin’ ashore as a mighty hurricane on the Gulf Coast come Thursday mornin'. Now, ye best be stockin' up on supplies, lest ye find yerself starvin' when the winds start howlin'. According to the wise folk at FEMA, ye be needin' at least a gallon o' fresh water fer each scallywag in yer crew, fer every day ye be stuck in the eye of the storm!

Don’t be rationin' yer precious water! Drink as ye need, then search fer more! And don’t even think o’ sippin’ from the loo—or ye might find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

Canned grub be yer best mate! Stock up on food that can be devoured straight from the tin, but toss any cans that be dented or bulgin' like a pirate after a feast! Peanut butter, canned fish, and even shelf-stable milk be grand choices. Make sure to have yer manual can opener at the ready, or ye’ll be forced to use yer cutlass!

Gather yer supplies, stay safe, and remember—keep yer spirits high with food ye enjoy, for a merry crew be a safe crew when the winds be a-howlin’!

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