Arrr! This Floridian wench swears a Chick-fil-A feast set her waters a'breaking, savvy? Aye, what a salty tale!
Arrr! Lasses on TikTok be chattin’ ‘bout a Chick-fil-A feast that be causin' wee ones to set sail early! A Florida wench be thinkin’ it ain't no fluke. Even the ship's doc be weighin' in on this curious cargo, savvy?
Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of a lass from Pensacola, Anna Lundy, who claimed a creamy Chick-fil-A milkshake sent her into the throes of labor! Aye, she be a mother o' three, and after tryin' all manner of tricks to coax her wee one out, she turned to the fabled milkshake at forty weeks and three days. Within a mere hour, the contractions hit her like a cannonball!With naught but a sip of that sweet nectar, she found herself rattlin' through early labor, and by the time the rooster crowed, she was eight centimeters dilated! 'Twas a grand adventure of ten hours before she sailed to the hospital to meet her daughter, Eden, who must've been as eager as a shipwrecked sailor at a treasure chest!
Other women chimed in, claimin' the same milkshake magic worked fer them too, with one lass sayin' she went from four centimeters to pushin' quicker than a ship in full sail. But beware, doc's say this be mere coincidence, not the magic of the milkshake! So, while ye might raise a toast to Anna's tale, it seems the only true treasure here be a hearty laugh and a sweet treat, not a guaranteed labor-inducin' potion! Yarrr!