The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be settin' sail fer a raucous shindig at Madison's Square Garden ere the vote be cast!


Arrr, me hearties! Word be blowin’ through the salty air that the one-time captain of the land, Donald Trump, be settin’ sail for a grand shindig at Madison Square Garden this month! Fox News be confirm’n it, so hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare fer a ruckus!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' news that be hotter than a cannonball in the tropics! The former captain of the ship known as the Oval Office, Donald Trump, be settin' sail to New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden on the 27th of October, just nine days afore the great Election Day. Aye, this rally be expected to draw a mighty horde, with folks clamorin' like seagulls fer scraps!

It be a first-come, first-serve battleground, and they reckon it’ll be a sight worthy of Davy Jones himself! With a hull full of high interest, the venue be a grand 19,500 seats, a veritable treasure trove of supporters. Last month, he hoisted the flag at Nassau Coliseum, where over 60,000 scallywags sought a glimpse but only 16,000 found a spot. And what was that? A Bronx rally this summer, where 10,000 hearty souls showed up at a park meant for 3,500? Aye, he be stirrin’ the hearts of many!

Trump claims he’ll “straighten out” New York, which he says has sunk like a ship in a storm. So grab yer cutlasses and prepare fer a raucous time, fer he aims to save this deep-blue port and make a grand play fer the gold! Yarrr!

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