The Booty Report

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"In parley, Kamala be dodgin' questions like a slippery fish on a stormy sea, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! Her media jiggle be like a ship dodgin' cannonballs, noddin' at the pesky questions but sailin' 'round 'em without a proper answer! Aye, she be a master of the art of evasion, a true buccaneer of the verbal seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale of a fair lass who navigates the treacherous waters of inquiry like a seasoned buccaneer! When faced with the devilish queries that make a landlubber squirm, she be a crafty navigator, aye!

This lass, with the cunning of a sly sea serpent, beacknowledges the questions that make even the bravest sailor shiver. But, lo and behold! Instead of steerin' her ship toward the rocky shores of honest answers, she sets sail into the fog of half-truths and wily maneuvers. 'Tis a fine art, I say, akin to dodging cannonballs in a fierce squall!

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