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Arrr, CBS scallywags be told to steer clear o' callin' Jerusalem part o' Israel, or ye'll walk the plank!


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that CBS' chief of rules be warnin' the crew to avoid callin' Jerusalem part o' Israel! Aye, it seems even the news be sailin’ on stormy seas o’ politics! Har har, what a jolly jest!

Ahoy mateys, gather 'round! A curious tale be brewin' at CBS News, where the lads and lasses be told not to declare that the fair city of Jerusalem be in Israel! Aye, this news be comin' from a missive by Senior Director Mark Memmott, who warned the crew to tread lightly on words in the midst of the hullabaloo 'twixt Israel and Hamas.

Memmott, savvy to the disputes over Jerusalem's status, commanded the crew to avoid callin' it Israeli territory, for it be a bone of contention in the grand Israeli-Palestinian squabble. Critics, like scallywags on social media, be mockin' CBS for denyin' reality, shoutin' that Jerusalem be not just in Israel, but its capital too! What madness be this, ye ask?

The jesters of CBS found themselves in a tempest after co-host Tony Dokoupil dared to challenge a pro-Palestinian author, resultin' in a review of their editorial standards. Some say it be a fine interview, while others stand aghast! CBS's captain, George Cheeks, be backin' the crew, even as others howl about the mutinous treatment of their fellow matey. So, there ye have it: a ruckus fit for the high seas of news!"

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