The Booty Report

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Arrr, as the sands of time slip, Trump be dodgin' another duel like a scallywag avoiding a kraken's grip!


Arrr! CNN be blabbin’ that the ex-captain has till noon on Thursday to accept the challenge for an Oct. 23 duel with the Vice Captain Kamala, who’s already hoisted her sails! Will he be brave or run like a scallywag? Aye, the seas be waitin'!

Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags, fer I be havin' a tale of political squabblin' fit fer the high seas! It be reported by the trusty parrot known as CNN that the former captain of the ship of state, he be havin' a time limit, aye! He be needin' to hoist the Jolly Roger and accept an invite to a grand duel on the 23rd of October. That’s right, mates, a showdown with none other than the fierce Vice President, Kamala Harris, who be already raisin' her flag and acceptin’ the challenge!

Now, picture it, if ye will: a raucous debate on the deck, cannons blazin', and words flyin' like cannonballs! The former captain, he be takin' his sweet time, as if he be weighin' anchor instead of makin' a decision. The clock be tickin' like a cursed treasure map, and he best be decidin' before the sands run dry in the hourglass!

So, me hearties, will he answer the call to parley, or will he scurry back to the brig, hidin’ from the fierce winds of debate? Only time be tellin', but one thing be certain: this here showdown be more excitin' than a chest o' gold on a stormy night!

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