The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A ruckus o' grapplin' fer the mighty Chrysler Tower in Manhattan, where pirates be twistin' and shoutin'!"


Arrr, the court jesters be dancin’ while the empire’s in shambles, leavin' who owns the fine tower of Manhattan as cloudy as a foggy sea! Aye, it's a right ruckus, and the treasure map be all askew!

"Arrr! A ruckus o' grapplin' fer the mighty Chrysler Tower in Manhattan, where pirates be twistin' and shoutin'!"

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o’ a mighty tower in the land o’ New Amsterdam, once a grand ol’ castle, now a shipwreck o’ legal wranglin’ and empire mischief!

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