The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Obama be givin' the black lads a scoldin'—could sink the Democrats' ship o' votes, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! The ex-captain's words 'bout some Black buccaneers not warm'n up to a lass at the helm be blunt as a cutlass! But beware, for such talk might cast 'em adrift from our Democratic crew! Hilarity ensues when ye rattle the cannons of the faithful!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be havin’ a tale o’ a former captain o' the political seas, who spake words as sharp as a cutlass! This scallywag, known as a president, declared that some Black buccaneers be not “feelin’ the idea” o’ a lass takin’ the helm as captain o’ the ship. Aye, his words be as blunt as a wooden sword and as urgent as a pirate ship in need o’ cannonballs!

But hold yer horses, me hearties! These words might just be throwin’ a jolly good wrench into the works fer a crew that be vital to the Democratic ship’s crew. Ye see, while he be speakin’ his mind, he might’ve ruffled the feathers o’ some loyal sailors who be lookin’ fer a fair captain, no matter the gender. 'Tis a fine line to tread, talkin’ like a salty sea dog while keepin’ the crew on yer side, savvy?

So, let’s hoist the sails and navigate these treacherous waters with a hearty laugh! Fer in the end, all we want be a crew united, sailin’ fer fair winds and smooth seas, whether the captain be a lass or a lad. Yarrr, may the winds of change blow favorably on us all!

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