The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A shiny new ship o’ social waters sails, seekin’ true hearts ‘n souls, not scallywag façades!"


Arrr, me hearties! Be social media done for? Nay, 'tis still sailin' strong with TikTok and Facebook, but the crew be wantin' more than just likes! Newcomer Clockout be all about makin' real connections, shiver me timbers! Joinin' forces over coffee instead of pixels—now that’s what we be a-searchin’ for!

Arrr mateys, it be a curious tale in the realm of social media! It seems those scallywags like TikTok and Facebook still be sailing strong, despite a few landlubbers claimin' they’ve lost the wind in their sails. With a tide o' complaints and lawsuits related to mental health, the big tech platforms be feelin' the pressure, especially when it comes to the land o' workin' folk after the plague that be COVID. Aye, it be time fer a grand ol' makeover!

Enter the fair captain, Krishna Dosapati, the CEO of the fresh-faced networking vessel known as Clockout. She be spottin' the disconnect between the tech giants and the young buccaneers joinin' the workforce, all holed up at home. The meetings be takin' place on the cursed Zoom, and many a soul be feelin' isolated on the high seas of the internet!

With a call for authenticity, new apps like Clockout be stressin' the importance of real-life connection. They be creatin' social clubs based on industry, and already over a thousand fine clubs be sailin' the seas, with 40,000 souls attendin' live events. Dosapati be stressin' that the key be mixin' the old school pub gatherings with high-tech connections, since most jobs be filled through personal ties.

So, raise yer mugs, for it seems Clockout be makin' waves in this new era of networking, with a long line of eager sailors awaitin' to join the crew! A hearty toast to authentic connections! Arrr!

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