The Booty Report

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Arrr, Tennessee scallywags be tossin' a hefty boom box o' dynamite, causin' a right ruckus and evacuatin' the landlubbers!


Arrr, mates! A treasure chest o’ boom-boom sticks be found at a scrap yard in Tennessee! The swabs o’ the law be scratchin' their heads, tryin’ to figure how to send this fiery cargo to Davy Jones’ locker without blowin’ their limbs off!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of ruckus from the wild seas of Tennessee! On a fine Friday, the landlubbers of the Knoxville Police Department stumbled upon a box o' trouble at a metal recycling yard, CMC Recycling, no less! Aye, it be filled to the brim with what they reckon be dynamite! Yarr, that be no treasure, I tell ye!

With a boom-worthy robot at their service, the scallywags tested the contents and found an explosive cocktail of ammonium nitrate, fit to make any pirate's cannonball blush! They thought there be about 200 sticks of the nasty stuff, but they be countin’ the pieces like a drunken sailor! No malice be detected, just the result of a fiery mishap when the workers tried to salvage the box with a torch. Oops, matey!

Evacuations were ordered faster than a ship can sail, with all folk within 3,000 feet bein' sent packin'! The brave bomb squad planned to douse the dynamite in diesel and set it ablaze—talk about a fiery bonfire, eh? With the FBI and other landlubber authorities on the scene, it be a sight to behold! So, keep yer eyes peeled, ye scallywags, for the next explosive adventure in the land of Tennessee!

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