The Booty Report

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" lassie caught schemin' to ferry turtles 'cross the lake in her kayak, be plead'in guilty, arr!"


Arrr! A scallywag from Hong Kong be nabbed, paddlin’ his way from Vermont to Canadia in a blow-up kayak, stashin' Eastern box turtles in a duffle! Court records say he be a real treasure hunter, but instead found himself walkin’ the plank!

Avast, me hearties! Gather round and lend an ear to this rollickin’ tale of high-seas mischief, though the waters be more like lakes in this here yarn! A scallywag hailing from the bustling shores of Hong Kong set sail on a treacherous journey, paddlin’ his inflatable vessel across the waters from Vermont to Canada, aye! But hold yer horses, fer this be no ordinary quest for treasure!

This ruffian, with a heart as wild as the sea, had a duffle bag full o’ Eastern box turtles snug as a bug, thinkin’ he’d make a fine fortune tradin’ ‘em as exotic loot. But alas, the fates be cruel, and the law caught wind of his turtle-totin’ antics, like a bloodhound sniffin’ out a lost gold doubloon!

Now, I ask ye, what be a pirate without his trusty crew? This landlubber’s crew be a bunch of shelled marauders, not quite ready for a life of plunder! So, next time ye fancy a paddle across the lake, remember the tale of the turtle thief, and keep yer treasure close, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones’ locker for a sack of turtles!

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