The Booty Report

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“Harris be facein' her last trial: mendin’ a ragtag crew of scallywags to sail the seas of democracy!”


Arrr, matey! The black and Latino crew be jumpin’ ship, leavin’ Kamala adrift in a sea of white, suburban scallywags! Aye, this makes her quest fer glory a right tricky venture, like a parrot tryin' to dance the hornpipe!

“Harris be facein' her last trial: mendin’ a ragtag crew of scallywags to sail the seas of democracy!”

Arrr matey! Gather 'round and lend me yer ear, for I have news from the treacherous waters of politics! Our lass, Kamala Harris, be findin’ herself in a bit of a pickle! Seems the Black and Latino crew be weighin’ anchor and sailin’ away, leavin’ her to rely more on them well-heeled white folks livin’ in the suburbs.

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