"Arrr, can them lush green patches be the lifeline for scallywags sufferin' from the sugar plague?"
Arrr, matey! It be said that plantin' more green treasures in our neighborhoods be helpin' those with the sugar sickness! A grand study from the land of China claims it can chase away nasty fumes. So hoist the sails for leafy havens, savvy? Yarrr!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin’ a tale o’ great importance fer ye landlubbers and scallywags alike! In a grand study from the far-off lands of China, it was revealed that boostin’ the green infrastructure in yer humble abodes might do wonders fer those cursed with the burden o’ Type 2 Diabetes, or T2D as the land doctors be callin’ it.